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  • 长者 马拉松 兰州黄河母亲雕塑:何鄂女士创作的40吨石雕艺术珍品,象征中华民族的生生不息


    “黄河母亲”雕塑位于兰州市黄河南岸和Xiaoxihu公园北侧的Binhe Road中部。它是全国众多雕塑中最美丽的雕塑,该雕塑表达了黄河,即中国国家的母河。它具有很高的艺术价值,并在首次国家城市雕塑计划比赛中获得了卓越奖。

    雕塑是由甘努省著名雕塑家He E创建的。它长6米,宽2.2米,高2.6米,总重量超过40吨。它由一个“母亲”和一个“男婴”组成。他们分别象征着黄河的母亲,黄河的母亲无休止地养育中国国家,而中国的后代幸福而繁荣。雕塑具有简单的构图和深刻的含义,反映了甘苏的悠久历史和文化。黄河的母亲的头发流淌,善良的表情,一个长长而良好的身体,优美的曲线,微笑,抬起头,略微弯曲了她的右臂,躺在她的背上,躺在海浪上,裸露男婴坐落在她的右侧,略微向左看,无辜地微笑着,看上去顽皮而可爱。该雕塑具有简洁的构图和深刻的意义,象征着黄河的母亲,他们无休止和顽强地养育中国国家,而中国后代幸福,快乐和蓬勃发展。雕塑的下部刻有水涟漪和鱼类图案,这些图案源自甘努(Gansu)古老的彩绘陶器的原始图案,并反映了甘西(Gansu)的悠久历史和文化。雕塑后面,游艇在黄河上搅动,恋人在河岸上漫步。水的颜色和波浪相互补充;宝塔和道教神庙在河的另一侧战斗。

    世界上黄河上的第一座桥梁 - 中山桥

    Lanzhou Zhongshan桥,通常被称为“宗山铁桥”和“黄河铁桥”,位于比塔山脚下的比奔路中间的北侧,在金昌山口前。它建于公元1907年(清朝皇帝皇帝统治的第33年)。历史最长的古老桥也是5,464公里黄河上的第一座真正的桥梁,因此被称为“世界上的第一黄河桥”。






    根据季节,您可以做出不同的选择:通过西北的船桥或乘轮渡到达兰州。城市对面的河流近300码,我们经过时尚未解冻。在冬天,人们直接在冰上传递(河)。我听说每年都有许多人解冻时淹死。当河流不再安全时,这些人仍然坚持在这条冰路上行走,无视潜在的危险。在这方面,Lanzhou诗人Wang Guangsheng非常抒情地记录了诗歌形式的黄河上的冰桥的状况:这条河在一个惊讶的夜晚中凝结了,谁在收集破碎的玉和分散的玉?山床上充满了散落的石头,穿过它后感觉就像是一个平坦的地面……黄河浮桥桥是用25艘大船建造的。每艘船相距一英尺半(约4.5米)。下锚石固定在河流表面,并连续排成一列。 ,与大原木相连,然后用木板铺设,被栅栏包围,2个通用支柱(大铁柱)和6个大木柱在河岸的每一侧都竖起,并且使用了两个铁绳索,每120英尺长以固定河上的船。但是,这种浮桥是季节性的桥梁。由于黄河处于洪水季节,因此必须每年11月拆除黄河冻结。英国人布鲁斯(Bruce)在每年春天完成浮桥桥时继续描述了盛大的场景:


    在冬季,黄河冻结,行人,车辆和马必须依靠冰“桥”来穿越黄河。第二年,当河冰融化时,有必要再次建造一座浮桥。这不仅非常麻烦,而且还被拆除并在一年内再次重建,这花费了很多钱。在明朝的汉古(公元1372年)的第五年,当时一般的歌曲《吉根冯尚》正在与元将军Kuokuo Timur(Wang Baobao)作战时,他们在Qili River(500米的西500米)建造了浮桥Qili河黄河桥今天)。这是该地区黄河上最早的浮桥。但是,这座浮桥仅用于促进军队过河,一旦战斗结束,它就被拆除。在汉古(1375)的第八年,杜克·魏邓(Duke Wei Deng Yu)带领他的军队安抚了赫克西(Hexi),并在城市以西十英里处建造了一座浮桥,以运输谷物和工资,并将其命名为“ Zhenyuan浮动桥”。十二年后,在汉古(1384年)的18年,兰州卫队指挥Yang Lian,并将浮桥移到Baita山的脚下,在那里“河水不那么温和,很接近且易于防守”。由于它靠近城市,除了军事目的之外,这座浮桥是黄河浮桥,也已成为黄河历史上的第一座浮桥,使人们能够越过河流。

    1906年,负责甘努省(Gansu Province)西化的彭·耶吉亚(Peng Yingjia)向清法汇报并批准了在黄河上建造铁桥。 1906年10月,该合同签给了德国Tailai公司,总价格为165,000泰尔的劳动和材料。合同规定,从完成之日起,铁桥保修八十年。黄河铁桥完成后,银的实际成本为306,600泰尔。

    长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松

    钢铁,水泥和其他用于建造铁桥的材料是从德国购买的,被海洋运到天津,由北京芬古恩铁路运送到北京的北京人类铁路车站,然后由北京 - 汉克铁路运输到新克西安。从Xinxiang通过Xi'an,他们分为36批,并通过马车运输到兰州。

    一个清晨,从Xinxiang火车站的简单商品院里涌出了数十辆大型马车。车轮,蹄,铃铛,震撼者,Qin Opera,Flowers和Morses的邻居的声音形成了声音的旋风。从Xinxiang到Xi'an的漫长的古老道路上响起的混合声音交响曲,从西安(Xi'an)到兰州(Lanzhou),从八月到次年的5月至5月。

    桥完成后,两侧都建造了两个大石头,分别用“ Sanbianliji”和“ Jiuqu Anlan”雕刻,分别与对联:




    1942年,它重命名为“中山大桥”,以纪念Sun Yat-Sen博士。中山桥不仅经受了对黄河的三个极大流动的测试,而且在1949年8月26日兰州解放战役中,炮弹击中了两辆越过桥梁的Kuomintang军车。车辆上的弹药爆炸了,大火烧毁了桥南端的18个部分。木制甲板和一些纵向梁。军事控制委员会组织了300多人在晚上进行紧急维修。






    Raf Kebolang位于Binhe Road东部的小型游乐园“ White Tower俯瞰”。它是由王Xingzhong于1986年10月1日创建的。雕塑是由镶嵌有黄河卵石的钢筋混凝土底座制成的,形状像黄河的滚动浪潮。筏子在海浪的顶部向对角线飞行,突破了海浪并飞行。感觉就像击败海浪并追风。用青铜制成的木筏骑手跪着,头高高地挥舞着桨。在他身后是一个跪着的女孩,右手梳理着她的庙宇和她的表情和平。这款雕塑重现了在黄河上漂流的前运输模式,这是兰州黄河文化的重要组成部分。


    长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松

    它位于成山区黄河桥的南端和比舍路的南部。雕塑从古老的丝绸之路作为其核心。它是从花岗岩雕刻的,高6米,长7米,重100吨以上。它反映了繁荣的唐朝期间丝绸之路的宏伟。雄性骆驼装有丝绸和缎子,上面是一个穿着斗篷的老人,右手戴着遮阳篷,看着他。胡方(Hu shang)的眼睛深深地和驼背右侧的胡须肿胀,他正在向后走。骆驼背后的一个年轻人用右手向骆驼队大喊大叫。雕塑的组成很简单,整体庄重,动力是宏伟的,使人们突然在沙漠中荒凉。

    Pingsha Luoyan

    它也被称为“ Fangzhou Siyan”,位于Yantan Jianzi以南的Binhe Road的东部。雕塑显示了三个不锈钢鹅,它们的尺寸不同,在一个不规则的浅池塘里飞出水。池塘的西岸点缀着五个“鹅卵”,它们以有序的方式分散。抽象技术的总体使用略有变形,似乎是新颖而独特的。该雕塑基于“野生鹅的野外思想”景观,兰州的十个风景景点之一和Yantan的传奇。它体现了兰州渴望恢复生态平衡和野鹅返回Yantan的愿望,并提醒人们从构思到飞行的野生鹅的旅程。生命继承的过程。



    2005年8月26日,兰州(Lanzhou)被称为“水轮城市”,建造了一个水轮博览会公园,在50多年前,在黄河两岸重现了壮观的水轮景象。 Lanzhou Waterwheel Expo Park位于Baili黄河风格的Binhe East Road的黄河南岸。它连接到东部的宗桥码头和体育公园。它连接到Water Platform,Lanzhou Port,Zhongshan Bridge,Baitashan Park和其他西部的其他景点。兰州水轮博览会公园由三个部分组成:水轮公园,水轮广场和文化广场。这是一个展示水轮文化的主题公园。



    Lanzhou Waterwheel Park位于Nanbinhe Road的中部,毗邻东部的“黄河铁桥”,西部的“黄河母亲”雕塑,北部的Baitashan Park,北部,西部的西部湖公园,南部,并靠近Baiyun Temple。这是黄河风景线上的重要场景。 。 Lanzhou Waterwheel,也称为“皇冠车”,“失误”,“灌溉车”和“ Tiger Car”,具有悠久的历史和独特的外观。它起源于明朝,是沿着兰州市古老的黄河沿线的最古老的灌溉工具。




    它位于中山路北端的Beibinhe Road上,以山顶上的白色宝塔寺的名字命名。这座寺庙最初是在元王朝建造的,并在明朝重建。寺庙的计划是矩形,中间有一个白色的宝塔。宝塔在八个侧面有七个水平,高约17米。它的顶部有绿色的屋顶,下面有一个圆形底座。它是白色的。美丽的。在宝塔的南部是三个主要的寺庙塔楼,在北部是Zhunti Bodhisattva Hall,东部和西部都有几个支持大厅。从白色宝塔的顶部,您可以俯瞰兰州市。它结合了精致的建筑结构和精致的雕刻艺术,充分展示了古老的汉族工人的创造力和艺术创造力。它是中国古代建筑的杰作。黄河上的白色塔楼和铁桥形成了雄伟的画面,并已成为兰州市的象征之一。




    它位于贝比宁路(Beibinhe Road)的中部,是兰州(Lanzhou)的古老清真寺之一,建筑区域约为488平方米。它建于中国共和国第三年。 Lanzhou Water Mosque位于黄河的北岸,毗邻北部的Baitashan公园。看着新的黄河桥的清真寺,看起来像是玉在黄河中,具有独特的风格。建筑风格是新颖的,是阿拉伯圆顶建筑。


    它位于Xijin East Road和Nanbinhe Middle Road之间,最初是一个名为“ West Garden”的明朝王子的花园。经过几次战争,在1880年,州长杨·长朱恩(Yang Changjun)从郑安格(Zhejiang)转移到甘西(Gansu),然后再次重建它,以免忘记家乡。它被更名为“小西湖”,被称为兰州八个古老的风景景点之一,也称为“莲花池塘夜月”。由于历史变化,原始的“小西湖”花园无法恢复。 1982年,兰州市政党委员会和市政政府建造了Xiaoxihu公园,这是一个综合的休闲公园,具有当地传统风格,以恢复古代文化遗址并平衡城市绿色空间。公园总面积为224.26英亩。目前,已经建造了70英亩的湖面,85英亩的绿色空间以及25英亩的道路正方形和风景秀丽的建筑。公园的建设努力遵循原始的“小西湖”的布局,重点是突出河上的花园风格,并创造了一个景观,“借用了柔息风景,靠在黄河上,被包围着湖泊和山脉,并被宫殿和凉亭遮蔽。”整个公园都以其水景为特色。整个湖面的大小变化,井井有条。它分为四个水面:东侧,中湖,西湖和阿萨希达qiongyao的莲花池。在湖面的东部是草坪,种植园林和大型可调节水幕灯笼喷泉;北部是一个旅游休息区,设有许多花和树景点,例如玫瑰墙,氦气和菊花花园,玫瑰园,竹林和柏树露台。在湖岸的柳树波浪中听到了金莺,游客享受凉爽的天气和去钓鱼。 ,在湖上划船,风景秀丽的建筑物Jinyinjiaoke,Huayueshanqing,Lanxiu Tower,Liuyin Pavilion和Cuiyi Pavilion对绿树和蓝色的波浪进行了终点。 asahi岛,水上凉亭风格的建筑水平浪潮和Luo Pavilion是游客喝茶,欣赏风景,撰写诗歌和油漆的绝佳场所。在公园西部建造了一个现代化的8,000平方米露天游泳池。它分为三个部分:一个深水池,一个浅水游泳池和一个儿童划桨游泳池。草皮在土地上种植,没有桌子和凳子供游客休息和娱乐。


    它也称为Lu Zumiao,位于Nanbinhe Middle Road的南侧,毗邻西湖公园和西部的黄河母亲,东部的中山桥以及北部的黄河风格线。它建于道贡(Daoguang)在清朝(1837年)统治的17年,由尚尼(Shaanxi)和甘努(Gansu)州长建造。它是由胡港(Husong)的薪水建造的,是兰州(Lanzhou)的三个古老寺庙之一。 Lanzhou Baiyun神庙最初被分为上视图和下视图。上视图的原始地点是在郊区Cuijiaya的Jishou Mountain上。当兰州 - Xinjiang铁路建于1950年代时,它被完全拆除。所谓的Baiyun神庙是指与黄河北岸相同的下部视野。著名的古代丝绸之路金昌格安(Jinchengguan)在远处彼此面对面。两者之间黄河的一部分是动荡的,这是著名的“白马”。黄河在兰州的上游很平静,但是当它到达这里时,它有白浪,因此名称。根据传说,卢祖(Lu Zu)出现在明朝和清朝早期的黄河上,留下了一条称为“白马浪”的痕迹。兰州的人们建造了卢祖神庙。根据拜兴神庙的题词记录,有一个说法是该神庙是向西建造的。拜兴神庙的古老树也可以证明这一理论。在Daoguang时期,Lanzhou Gentry和Taoist信徒写信给Shaanxi和Gansu州长Hu Song'e,要求将Luzu Temple扩展到“ Revere” Lu Xian的“精神”。然后,侯港要求风水选择一个建造圣殿的地方,然后他选择了“河边边缘的城市西北角,以及贝元庙的那儿”。它被命名为“ Baiyun Temple”,致力于崇拜Lu Dongbin。因此,拜兴神庙也被称为卢祖神庙。贝阳神庙正式被包括在国家牺牲佳能中,并在清朝兰州成为一个大规模而完整的道教十字丛林。根据历史记录,拜兴神庙的原始建筑对中央轴对称。从北到南,有一个三管齐下的建筑综合大楼,包括山门,东西河观看塔,剧院大楼,前,中间和后大厅。东西方是云。水厅,钟楼和鼓塔,道家寺庙。在Qisheng庙的后面,有结构精良的八个神仙馆,小夏厅,Helu Pavilion,Juxian Pavilion和Sizhao Pavilion。之后,有朱糖馆,菲克西亚桥,莱克西安馆和其他建筑物,总面积约为30英亩。在历史悠久的历史之后,整个道教寺庙中只有三个主大厅,钟楼和鼓塔,剧院塔,东西侧和西侧大厅以及东西翼房间。在过去的几年中,其他建筑物已经丢失。重建后,拜兴神庙仍然充满了宫殿和古董。当您进入Baiyun寺院时,您会看到三个字符的牌匾“ Baiyun Temple”高高地挂在Lintel上,Lintel上挂着,该名人是Gansu的名人Deng Baoshan先生。额头上的大砖块角色“ Shengyun Delu”蓬勃有力,两侧的龙和起重机的砖雕刻都很简单又生动,环境安静而优雅。圣殿中的凉亭,露台和凉亭错开了,屋檐,重叠的支架,锯齿形走廊,高耸的古老树木,阴暗的绿树和蜿蜒的小路。从山门大门口,有前厅,中间大厅,后厅,东和西辅助大厅,钟声和鼓塔,古老的歌剧大楼,东翼和西翼房间,以及古董风格的综合建筑,餐厅,单人房间,后山大门和其他支撑设施,总面积近3300平方米。每年的第一个月球日历的第一个月球,玉皇帝的圣诞节,老挝的圣诞节,第二个月球月的第十五天,Qingming Festival,Qingming Festival,第七天的幽灵节,第七天的幽灵节,在第十个月球的第一天,圣殿博览会上,在寺庙中建立了一个修道院,以举行大佛经诵经,祈祷和救赎活动。在月球月的第一个和第15天的第一个和第15天,都有无休止的人提供香气和敬拜的人。




    它位于1986年10月1日,位于南比恩路(Nanbinhe Road)东部的小型游乐园“俯瞰白色的塔”,由王Xingzhong创建。雕塑是由镶嵌有黄河卵石的钢筋混凝土底座制成的黄河的波浪。筏子在海浪的顶部向对角线飞行,突破了海浪并飞行。感觉就像击败海浪并追风。用青铜制成的木筏骑手跪着,头高高地挥舞着桨。在他身后是一个跪着的女孩,右手梳理着她的庙宇和她的表情和平。这款雕塑重现了在黄河上漂流的前运输模式,这是兰州黄河文化的重要组成部分。


    它位于成山黄河桥的南端和比尼路的南部。雕塑从古老的丝绸之路作为其核心。它是从花岗岩雕刻的,高6米,长7米,重100吨以上。它反映了繁荣的唐朝期间丝绸之路的宏伟。雄性骆驼装有丝绸和缎子,上面是一个穿着斗篷的老人,右手戴着遮阳篷,看着马。胡方(Hu shang)的眼睛深深地和驼背右侧的胡须肿胀,他正在向后走。骆驼背后的一个年轻人用右手向骆驼队大喊大叫。雕塑的组成很简单,整体庄重,动力是宏伟的,使人们突然在沙漠中荒凉。


    展出了著名的甘苏公园西侧,著名的甘努铭文被展示,包括中文和Xixia的Xixia Stele,中国人和藏语的Dachongjiao Temple Stele,以及中国和蒙古人的Xining King Stele。中国,中国和帕西巴剧本的Zhenhai寺史密特,王雷尤·申托·斯特尔,洪斯公主的墓碑,贡伊史密特等。东西史密特画廊展示了过去朝代的甘西省名人的作品和信件。从东部汉朝的张张Zh(Caosheng Zhang Zhi),从东部汉代晚期到曹韦时期,西金王朝(Suo Jing Xing Shu,Zhang Shu,一个Weijun和Liu Erxin在明朝及其他地区的Liu Erxin。 ,Ma Fuxiang,Liang Qichao,Fan Zhenxu,等等。


    长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松_长者 马拉松

    它位于Beibinhe Road的Yintan桥下,长约3公里,覆盖面积为286,400平方米。它主要由中国人文祖先公园,“四个湖泊(候鸟湖,Yuyue湖,Yujie湖,Yujie Lake,Waterfowl Lake),Yishui(3000湖)(3000,它由59,000平方米的水系统组成)和一个2,000米的木板木板路,湖泊和水面积为59,000平方米,绿色面积为206,880平方米。

    Pingsha Luoyan

    它也被称为“ Fangzhou Siyan”,位于Yantan Jianzi以南的Nanbinhe Road的东部。雕塑显示了三个不锈钢鹅,它们的尺寸不同,在一个不规则的浅池塘里飞出水。池塘的西岸点缀着五个“鹅卵”,它们以有序的方式分散。抽象技术的总体使用略有变形,似乎是新颖而独特的。该雕塑基于“野生鹅的野外思想”景观,兰州的十个风景景点之一和Yantan的传奇。它体现了兰州渴望恢复生态平衡和野鹅返回Yantan的愿望,并提醒人们从构思到飞行的野生鹅的旅程。生命继承的过程。

    Lanzhou Longyuan花园

    它位于贝比宁路(Beibinhe Road)的中部,毗邻黄河,占地20英亩,从东到西300米,在其南北点宽60米。建设于2002年3月28日正式开始。这是中国第一个也是唯一的“龙”项目。 ”主题主题公园。


    Located on the south side of the Gansu Convention and Exhibition Center on Beibinhe Road, it covers a total area of ​​about 200 acres. The overall layout of the project forms a landscape structure of "one axis, two wings, one corridor and one ring". The construction content includes roads, squares, water landscapes, greening and other Construction of ancillary facilities and other projects.

    "One axis" refers to the main sculpture in the central square of the park, which is located on the central axis of the "Gansu Map" and "Yellow River-Loess" sculptures facing the Convention and Exhibition Center; "two wings" refers to the Origin Square and Future Square on both sides of the central square. "One Corridor" refers to the inlaid reliefs on the retaining wall of the river embankment facing the three squares; "One Ring" refers to a fitness trail surrounding the entire park.

    "The planning of the three squares is that the origin square is laid out like a world map, with the cities hosting marathon events such as London, New York, Beijing, Xiamen, Lanzhou and other related information marked." According to the introduction, the central square is mainly named "Lan Marathon" "The emblem-themed sculpture is the centerpiece, and the Future Plaza is dominated by the CCTV live broadcast apron, and the surrounding roads are inlaid with the hand and foot prints, names, results, etc. of previous Lanzhou Marathon champions.

    The relief wall is more than 2,000 meters long and is mainly composed of three parts. The first part is the origin of the marathon, introducing the origin and development of the marathon. The second part is based on the theme of the first Lanzhou Marathon and introduces the success of the first "Lanma". The third part is Showing the bright future of Lanzhou and "Lanma".

    Lily Park

    Named after Lanzhou's famous local specialty lily. In 2004, Lanzhou Municipal Government and Qilihe Government jointly built Lanzhou Lily Park. Lily Park is located on the 40th mile of the Yellow River style line in the west section of Binhe South Road. It is adjacent to Jingang City to the south and the Yellow River to the north. It covers an area of ​​more than 160 acres, has a total length of about 1 kilometer, a maximum width of about 115 meters, and a narrowest point of only 6 meters. Since Lily Park is located on the bank of the Yellow River, factors such as flood control and flood prevention were fully taken into consideration during the original design, and no permanent buildings were designed. The park is full of green grass, blooming flowers and weeping willows, making it natural and beautiful, with a green area of ​​84,000 square meters. The central area of ​​the park is a sunken performance square that can accommodate 10,000 people to watch performances, providing the best place for local residents to relax and exercise. In addition, the west area of ​​the park is a waterscape garden of nearly 5,000 square meters. Two colorful fountains complement each other in summer, giving people who can't stand the heat unexpected cooling and visual enjoyment. On the east side of the park is the Turtle Stone Garden. A natural stone that resembles a turtle lies in the middle. Pictographic oracle bones are inlaid with rain flower stones and multicolored stones on the turtle's back. More than 200 Chinese characters with the radical of the word "stone" are carved on the ground around the fountain. It fully reflects the long history of Chinese culture; it is surrounded by sparse forest squares and fitness trails, and colorful ribbons made of flowers are dancing around, making it another good place for tourists to relax and cool down in summer.

    Western Paradise

    Located to the west of Yintan Bridge in the western section of Nanbinhe Road, it is the largest theme amusement park in the northwest. It was built in 1996 and covers an area of ​​more than 300 acres. Beautiful garden environment, entertainment projects suitable for consumption at various levels, especially the only international standard indoor ice rink (Eskimo Village) and indoor water park (Hawaii Seaside World) in the northwest of the park.

    Yantan Park

    Located in the east section of Nanbinhe Road, it is adjacent to the Sports Park to the west and the Reader Publishing Group to the south. The total area of ​​the park is 277.4 acres, with a water area of ​​98 acres and a land area of ​​179.4 acres, of which 116.28 acres are green area and 29.15 acres are roads and buildings. Nanhu District mainly combines plastic surgery with nature, using nature to connect the east, middle and west sections of the lake. The lake is open, with rippling blue waves, majestic and picturesque. It is a good place for tourists to go boating and paddling.

    Xujiashan Forest Park

    (National AA-level tourist attraction)

    Located at the east end of Beibinhe Road, it started in the 1940s and now has more than 2,000 acres of forest land such as the "National Support to Gansu Greening Tree Species Memorial Forest", "Sino-Japanese Friendship Memorial Forest", and "March 8th Memorial Forest". There are Siyuan Pavilion and monuments built on the mountain, with a total area of ​​about 2,800 square meters. It is divided into: vacation and sightseeing area, business area, scenic tourist area, and scientific research area. Each area has a unique mountain and wild taste. Now it has formed a unique artificial forest landscape and forest microclimate with a mixture of broad-leaved trees and evergreen trees, a mixture of trees and shrubs, a multi-layered and three-dimensional structure. The scenery of the park varies from season to season. There are more than 300,000 trees of various types and more than 100 species, all of which are artificially planted. Various small wild animals appear in the forest, including about 20 species such as Mongolian rabbits, squirrels, and pheasants. It has become a forest. The unique landscape of the park.

    In addition, there are musical fountains, water platforms, anti-corruption theme parks, sports parks, green parks, citizen parks, source of life, fable story parks, Tanjianzi Wetland Park, Huo Qubing theme parks and many other attractions scattered like stars on both sides of the Yellow River. 。

    Practical Information Tour Diary

    Lanzhou Yellow River style line sketch

    The scenery on both sides of the Yellow River makes the two riverside avenues in the north and south stretch out and watch countless cars speed by. On one side are flowers and trees blown by the river breeze, and on the other side are tall buildings nestled in gardens standing majestically. The Riverside Avenue gives itself a bright stretch and gives the Yellow River a wonderful eye-catching gift. The Yellow River stretches its eternal body from time to time. For no other reason than that, it has to make way for the sheepskin rafts passing by and the flowers shouted by the boatmen. It has to make way for the pleasure boats and speedboats full of smiling faces. It also has to raise its head from time to time. Stand up and look at the bridges flying in the air. The huge bridges are arcs drawn by outstanding modern bridge designers...

    The Yellow River passed through countless weedy hills. My eyes were tired and my heart was tired. Suddenly, light appeared on both banks ahead. The river moved its lips, and it reached the Lanzhou section. This is the only provincial capital city that it flows through. So he was busy smoothing out the scrawled figures and making detailed steps. Before finishing, the river was already illuminated by the brilliance on both sides of the river. He knew that he had sailed into the hundreds of miles of the Yellow River style line carefully crafted by the people of Lanzhou. The yellow sand spreads out into two endless long open river beaches, with Yellow River stones scattered on them. In the distance, the several-foot-high river bank is plastered with cement jointed stones, and the patterns spread out gracefully, like countless migrating nine-color rivers. Deer ran across the riverbank on both sides. On the top of the north and south embankments, and to one side, the tree-lined belt is cut into neat rectangles by the surrounding paths. Under the canopy of the willow and locust trees, there are neat grasses, beautiful flowers, and lawns are spread from time to time. Among the flowers and greenery, sculptures, arcades and pavilions add to the Yellow River's artistic, cultural and elegant landscapes. The concrete railings sometimes protrude a few steps closer to the river beach, forming a huge river viewing platform. Standing on it is like standing on a deck paved with water and sky. Leaning on the railings and looking into the distance, the sky, distant mountains, wind, Yellow River and people suddenly become A breath floats upward, floats upward, merges into the clouds, and soaks in the vast sky. Sometimes the concrete railings will open a hole 10 feet wide or two or three meters wide, and steps will be lowered to the river beach. In front of the steps 10 feet wide, the river becomes an inspirer. Her natural dancing posture makes people sit down. The worries of people looking at the river from the steps instantly melt into the flowing river and into the open space. The refreshing river breeze is unrestrained; the narrow steps take people to the beach close to the Yellow River.

    Mother River is well aware of the grand plan of Lanzhou people: in order to build Lanzhou into a modern city with beautiful mountains and rivers, prosperous economy and civilized society, the Lanzhou Municipal Government has planned a hundred-mile Yellow River style line, which starts from Xiliugou in Xigu Industrial Zone in the west. It reaches Sangyuan Gorge in Chengguan District in the east, with a length of 40 kilometers from east to west and a drainage area of ​​27.44 square kilometers. Construction started in 2000. The Mother River did not expect that Lanzhou people would build sightseeing corridors, "Source of Life" waterscape sculptures, allegorical city sculptures, Yellow River Mother sculptures, green hope sculptures, etc. on both sides of the river in less than eight years. The river landscape, the waterwheel garden built in the Ming Dynasty and the Jinchengguan at the foot of Baita Mountain have been restored... The mother river was so happy that she didn't know what to do, so she smiled, flowed and sang一直以来。 At this moment, I, who grew up drinking the water of the Yellow River, have ripples in my blood, and I am about to give birth to a Lanzhou-style cry: Lanzhou people are so energetic! In my mind, I always have the impression of more than 20 years ago. At that time, the Xigu Industrial City in the west of Lanzhou City and the Yantan Township and Qingbaishi Township in the east were pastoral fields with fragrant melons and fruits and lush green vegetables. On both sides of the Qilihe District and Chengguan District in the center of the city, you will occasionally encounter orchards and vegetable gardens surrounded by fences. As a young man, I often walked through those farms. I was attracted by the tranquility of the farmyards countless times, enveloped by the green shade of the orchards, and bound by the countryside in the city. I reaped a lot of beauty and happiness. Over the next 20 years, I still listened to the roar of the Yellow River, but my body and mind were pushed forward step by step by the changing times. Wandering on both sides of the bank, a garden-style sightseeing promenade and a wide and straight riverside avenue spread out on the original site of the orchard and vegetable fields. A new picture of the new building district has opened up on the former farmland.

    Even in the cold weather, there are many Chinese and foreign tourists who visit the Baili Yellow River. I think they will gain a different feeling in the vast mountains and brocaded ground, just like me, although I have been close to winter countless times. Every time you approach the river embankment, you will still be infused with the scenery and charm that is different from the green season. It is a kind of beauty that truly makes the majestic and broad momentum of the north stand out. Every year after May, the willows, locust trees on the embankment, and the poplars and reeds under the embankment are covered with endless green. Chinese and foreign tourists walk through the river viewing corridor, flock to various tourist attractions, or walk up the piano-key-like stairs. Walking to the river beach, gently teasing the cool river water with your hands, picking up Yellow River stones worth collecting, there are also pairs of lovers clinging to the river, the river wind blows, and the waves are like scales. On the river, flocks of birds and wild ducks rise and fall from time to time, shuttling between the water and the sky like elves. Are they praying for lovers? To bless all the guests from all over the world? In the birdless river section, a group of young people laughed and shouted as they floated in the water. With a strong exertion, a flat round pebble stuck to the river surface, drawing a series of trajectories like dragonflies on the water. There are many colorful tea sheds along both sides of the river, and some barges are parked with tea drinking boxes inside. People swim by the river, fall in love with the river, play by the river, and drink by the river. All distracting thoughts will disappear. What is left is to savor the taste of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers. The river treasures the pictures of the charming lines on both sides of the river. I asked the Yellow River about it, and it flowed eastward without any return. Under the light, the waves flickered, reflecting the deep and long look back. No need to ask more, the river has collected all the changes worth cherishing, including the changes on both sides of Lanzhou. (Author: Hanzi/Lanzhou Daily)

    Citizens of Lanzhou, the capital of the Yellow River, perform spring music "Man on the Water"

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